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Int 10 Fn 4F02  - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - Set Supervga Video Mode             [V]

   AX = 4F02h
   BX = mode
       bit 15 set means don't clear video memory

Return: AL = 4Fh function supported
   AH = status
       00h successful
       01h failed

See Also: AX=4F01h,AX=4F03h

Values for VESA video mode:
 00h-FFh OEM video modes (see AH=00h)
 100h  640x400x256
 101h  640x480x256
 102h  800x600x16
 103h  800x600x256
 104h  1024x768x16
 105h  1024x768x256
 106h  1280x1024x16
 107h  1280x1024x256
 108h  80x60 text
 109h  132x25 text
 10Ah  132x43 text
 10Bh  132x50 text
 10Ch  132x60 text
---VBE v1.2---
 10Dh  320x200x32K
 10Eh  320x200x64K
 10Fh  320x200x16M
 110h  640x480x32K
 111h  640x480x64K
 112h  640x480x16M
 113h  800x600x32K
 114h  800x600x64K
 115h  800x600x16M
 116h  1024x768x32K
 117h  1024x768x64K
 118h  1024x768x16M
 119h  1280x1024x32K
 11Ah  1280x1024x64K
 11Bh  1280x1024x16M
Index: video modes

Values for S3 OEM video mode:
 201h  640x480x256
 202h  800x600x16
 203h  800x600x256
 204h  1024x768x16
 205h  1024x768x256
 206h  1280x960x16
 208h  1280x1024x16
 211h  640x480x64K (Diamond Stealth 24X)
 212h  640x480x16M (Diamond Stealth 24X)
 301h  640x480x32K
Index: video modes

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